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Catalogue of Free Digital Resources for Migrants
In alignment with the “Opening Up Education Communication” and the new priorities for the strategic framework for European Cooperation in Education and training (ET2020), in 2016, the Directorate General Joint Research Centre (DG JRC) of the European Commission commissioned the “Study on MOOCs and free digital learning for inclusion of migrants and refugees.” In this study a catalogue of free digital learning initiatives targeted to develop the skills needed by migrants and refuges in EU countries was produced. The final report of the study and the catalogue of initiatives can be accessed here: moocs4inclusion.org
The digital platform offers a variety of online games which were designed and developed by taking into account pedagogical approaches that are suitable for language teaching programs and are free to use. They can be used during language courses, by teachers and by students themselves. In addition, they can support extracurricular activities, since they allow students to have fun and learn through playing.